Systematic Reviews: Synthesis of Best Evidence for Health Care Decisions

Sleep Disorders: Diagnosis and Treatment; Poceta JS, Mitler MM; eds. Totowa, NJ: Humana Pr; 1998. $69.50. ISBN 0896035271. Order phone 201-256-1699. Format: Hardcover book. Field of medicine: Sleep medicine. Audience: Primary care physicians. Purpose: To educate generalist physicians about sleep disorders. Content: Three of the 10 chapters provide an overview of sleep problems and the diagnostic approach to sleep disorders in primary care practice. The remaining chapters deal with the diagnosis and treatment of specific sleep disorders, sleep problems in children, pharmacologic treatment, and bright-light therapy. Highlights: The book contains many useful tables that provide pathways for diagnosis and treatment options. The discussion of important sleep problems, such as obstructive sleep apnea, narcolepsy, and nocturnal leg disorders provides practical assistance in decision making. The chapter on bright-light therapy offers practical information for clinical applications. Limitations: Some chapters contain too few references. The authors occasionally refer to the findings and conclusions of previous studies without providing the appropriate reference. Practitioners may be uncomfortable with some of the off-label pharmacologic recommendations made in the book. Related reading: Reite and associates' Concise Guide to Evaluation and Management of Sleep Disorders, 2nd edition (American Psychiatric Pr, 1997), has somewhat similar content, is pocket-sized, and has many excellent tables. It supplies more information on sleep problems seen in specific contexts, such as in psychiatric disorders or in pregnant or elderly patients. Reviewer: Albert Liebman, MD, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.