[Protein digestability and amino acid absorption in various segments of the digestive tract of pigs. 1. Methods of animal experimentation, protein content and amino acid patterns of the digesta in the small intestine and in feces after feeding different feeds].

Re-entrance cannulae were applied by way of operations at the end of the small intestine of a larger number of growing pigs. After a post-operative phase these animals were fed with various rations (N-free diet, fattening feed for pigs, rations with dried skim milk resp. wheat gluten + lysine and wheat + wheat gluten + lysine). During the main experiment periods the ileum digesta (24 hour-periods of collecting) and the feces were quantitatively registered. The protein and amino acid content ascertained in the feed rations, the digesta and feces samples are reported, comparatively evaluated and discussed. The amount of amino acids (in mg per kg intake of dry matter) contained in the ileum digesta after N-free feeding were statistically calculated with regard to differences occuring between the animals and days. For most amino acids a significant decrease in the ileum digesta could be detected during the course of the N-free feeding period. Moreover, the amount of amino acids in the ileum digesta was compared with the metabolic fecal amino acids, from which conclusions could be drawn concerning the disappearance rate of the individual amino acids in large intestine.

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