Segmentation and Volume Calculation through the Analysis of Blurred Gray Value from the Brain MRI
This study is for the segmentation and volume calculation of the white matter and gray matter from brain MRI. In general, the volume of white and gray matter is reduced by contraction of each components in the case of mental retardation which are Alzheimer's disease and Down's syndrome. As results, it is useful for diagnostic and early detection for various mental retardation through the tracing of variation for its volume from the brain MRI. But, until now, it was very difficult to calculate the partial volume of each components existing in some thickness, because MR image was represented by single gray value after scanning by MR scanner. Accordingly, new segmentation algorithm proposed in this paper is to calculate the partial volume of the white and gray matter existing in some thickness through the analysis of the blurred gray value, and is to determine the threshold for segmentation of white and gray matter, and is to calculate the volume of each segmented component. And finally, proposed algorithm was applied the models which was created manually, and then acquired results was compared with that of original model.