An Integrated Method for Determination of the Oswald Factor in a Multi-Fidelity Design Environment

Aircraft conceptual design often focuses on unconventional configurations like for example forward swept wings. Assessing the characteristics of these configurations usually requires the use of physic based analysis modules. This is due to the fact that for unconventional configurations no su cient database for historic based analysis modules is available. Nevertheless, physic based models require a lot of input data and their computational cost can be high. Generating input values in a trade study manually is work-intensive and error-prone. Conceptual design modules can be used to generate su cient input data for physic based models and their results can be re-integrated into the conceptual design phase. In this study a direct link between a conceptual design module and an aerodynamic design module is presented. Geometric information is generated by the conceptual design module and the physic based results, in form of the Oswald factor, are then fed back.