Near-Infrared Imaging Spectroscopy of IRAS FSC 10214+4724: Evidence for a Starburst Region around an Active Galactic Nucleus at z = 2.3

We report 1'' imaging spectroscopy of the 1.95-2.4 μm wavelength region in the z = 2.284 galaxy IRAS FSC 10214+4724. We find that the rest-frame Hα and [N II] emission have different spatial extents. We also detect broad (ΔvFWZP ≈ 3500 km s-1) Hα emission. FSC 10214 is a very luminous gravitationally lensed galaxy, which intrinsically contains both a type 1 active galactic nucleus and a more extended star-forming disk. The AGN and circumnuclear star formation both contribute significantly to the total luminosity of ~1013 L☉.

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