Carbide payment for Bhopal relief upheld

Union Carbide is expected to appeal the controversial order last week to pay $192 million in interim relief for victims of the 1984 chemical leak at the plant of Carbide's Indian subsidiary in Bhopal. The order was given by appeals judge S. K. Seth, who presides over the High Court of Madhya Pradesh state, where Bhopal is located. Seth's ruling came from review of a decision last December by Judge M. W. Deo of the district court in Bhopal, where the liability trial is being held. Deo drew on traditional elements of Indian jurisprudence to order $270 million in interim compensation for the victims. He said he had sufficient legal basis to make such an order, even while the trial was proceeding to determine liability. Carbide is being sued for $3.3 billion in damages in Deo's court. Carbide disagreed with Deo's order, saying it was tantamount to determining guilt without a trial, and took its ...