OWL/XML Rendered Description for Inference to E-Governance Ontology

The Data repositories with volumes of data do not return meaningful information since they lack the feature of machine interpretation. These Data repositories needs to be represented Semantically wherein different applications, agents, Web services and the web sites are capable to read ,interpret and use it. This paper relates the semantic representation called Ontology using Web ontology language (OWL) to any E-Governance data such that the consumers and providers both can view more meaningful and inferred information. It is also felt that ontological support is needed for the E-Governance data to establish a hierarchy and relationship between the data residing at multiple sources i.e at ElectricityDept, JalSanatan, GasAuthority in order to make the information ready for machine consumption. The ontological representation using the Web Ontology Language (OWL)/XML are used for modeling ontologies of a particular domain and for supporting Context reasoning in E-Governance environment. The Web Ontology Language is designed for use by applications that need to process the content of information instead of just presenting information to human beings. OWL enables greater machine interpretability of Data repositories. The ontology definition is generated using Protege an open source tool.