A new time calibration method for switched-capacitor array-based waveform samplers

We have developed a new time calibration method for DRS4 waveform sampler. The method is based on the correlation between differential amplitude and time interval of adjacent switched-capacitor cells responding to a simple saw-tooth shape pulses. In the experiment, saw-tooth pulse with 40ns period from a Tektronix AWG7104 is fed to DRS4 evaluation board for calibrating all 1024 cells of the board. The electronic time resolution of the DRS4 board with the new time calibration is measured to be ~5.6ps FWHM using two identical simulataneous Gaussian pulses. The time resolution dependencies on the delay and the sampling speed are measured also. The new method is applicable for other switched-capacitor array technology-based waveform samplers for precise time calibration.