Academic Education in Library and Information Management in Bulgaria

The purpose of this publication is to present the contemporary aspects of training educational and qualification degree “Bachelor” of Specialty “Library and Information Management” of the Library Management Department at the State University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (SULSIT) in Sofia, Bulgaria.In view of specificity and completeness of the presented information in this publication there is a limit, which refers to the training only in educational and qualification degree “Bachelor”. The following methods are used: a study of the curriculums of many universities worldwide teaching in this or a related specialty; comparative analysis; synthesis of the obtained information. Accent is put on the disciplines Intellectual Property, Standardization in Library Activities, Quality Management in Library and Information Activities, Library Psychology and Bibliotherapy. The research draws attention to some aspects insufficiently covered in the curriculum of the programs preparing future highly knowledgeable, trained library and information managers, and offers some solutions, based on our experience in the State University of Library Studies and Information Technologies, to the attention of the LIS academic and professional community.