ContextMiner: building context-rich digital collections
Digital curation, Digital Preservation, Contextual information ContextMiner is a framework to collect, analyze, and present contextual information along with the data. It is based on an idea that while describing or archiving an object, contextual information helps to make sense of that object or to preserve it better. This idea has been realized as a webbased service, called ContextMiner, which provides tools to collect data, metadata, and contextual information off the web by automated crawls. ContextMiner helps one (1) run automated crawls on various sources on the web and collect data as well as contextual information, (2) analyze and add value to collected data and context, and (3) monitor digital objects of interest over a period of time. Once a user signs up for a free account, he/she can immediately start creating campaigns. A campaign in ContextMiner is a project that is based on running several automated processes and collecting data, metadata, and contextual information. Following is a typical flow of using ContextMiner: