Defects, Causes and Their Remedies in Casting Process: A Review

Foundry industries in developing countries suffer f rom poor quality and productivity due to involvement of number of process parameter. Even in completely controlled process, defect in casting are observed and hence casting process is also known as process of uncerta inty which challenges explanation about the cause o f casting defects. In order to identify the casting defect and problem re lated to casting, the study is aimed in the researc h work. This will be beneficial in enhancing the yiel d of casting. Beside this, standardization (optimiz ation) of process parameter for entire cycle of manufacturing of the critical part is intended in the proposed work. Thi s study aims to finding different defects in casting, analysis of d efect and providing their remedies with their cause s. In this paper an attempt has been made to list different types of casting defects and their root causes of occurre nce. This paper also aims to provide correct guideline to quality c ontrol department to find casting defects and will help them to analyze defects which are not desired.