Status of the End-to-End Beam Dynamics Simulations for the GSI UNILAC

The heavy ion high current GSI linac UNILAC serves as an injector for the synchrotron SIS18. The UNILAC mainly consists of a High Current Injector (HSI), the stripper section at 1.4 MeV/u, and the Alvarez postaccelerator (11.4 MeV/u). During the last years the systematic experimental and numerical studies resulted in an increase of the U 73+ beam intensity of up to a factor of seven. The needs of the FAIR project (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research) at Darmstadt require further improvement of the UNILAC beam brilliance up to a factor of five. End-to-end beam dynamics simulations with the DYNAMION code have already been started. The general goal is to establish a simulation tool which can calculate the impact of the planned upgrade measures on the performance of the whole UNILAC. The results of the HSI calculations including influence of the beam intensity on the beam parameters (current, emittance, Twiss-parameters) at the stripper section are presented. Recent calculations and measurements of the beam matching to the Alvarez section under space charge conditions are discussed.