High-order end-to-end model for the ERBE scanning thermistor bolometer radiometers

The Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE) consists of a suite of three scanning and four nonscanning radiometric instruments on each of three satellites which monitor the solar- reflected and Earth-emitted components of the Earth's radiative energy budget. A numerical model has been formulated to study the dynamic behavior and equivalence of the ERBE scanning thermistor bolometer radiometers. The finite difference method is applied to the detector of the ERBE scanning radiometer to characterize its thermal and electrical dynamic behavior. The thermal analysis confirms the thermal time constant of the instrument claimed by the vendor. The model reveals that the instrument can be very sensitive to spatial variations of the incident thermal radiation. However, the analysis confirms that the hypothesis of equivalence is justified for viewing typical Earth scenes. The high-order numerical model described in this paper is a key component of the end-to-end dynamic electrothermal model under development for the ERBE and CERES scanning radiometric channels.