Factors influencing the successful validation of transient phenomenon modelling

An increased requirement for validation of computational electromagnetic simulation and modelling through the publication of IEEE Standard 1597.1 brings to light some interesting issues surrounding the validation of transients. The structure of a transient event has three particular regions of interest that can have an influence on the results, of which only two are generally well defined. These are the initial quiescent phase from t = 0 to the transient event; the transient event itself up to the point where the energy has fallen to a predefined limit, and the post-transient phase where residual energy is still present in the system. This latter region is generally ill-defined and changes the way that a validation comparison should be made, from, for example a frequency domain coupling study where the region of interest is usually well defined. This study looks at the influence of the three regions on the validation results and suggests how the Feature Selective Validation (FSV) method can be applied in transient studies.