Computed tomography of adrenal tumor

The computed tomographic lindings in lorty-six patients with surgica ll y proven adrenal tumors were analysed. The tumors were composed 01 12 adenomas with cortisol production, 13 aldosteronomas, 16 carcinomas, pheochromocytomas and 1 nonlunctioning cortical adenoma. Metastatic tumor 01 the adrenal gland was excluded in this series Ad renal caπinoma was the largest tumor (10cm •), followed by pheochromocytoma (4-8 cm), corti sol producing adenoma (2-4 cm) and aldosteronoma (2 cm•) in the order 01 size. Density 01 solid portion 01 ad renal tumors except aldosteronoma was isodense or hyperdense in comparison with that 01 back muscle Clacil ication within the mass was lound in 3 01 4 pheochromocytomas and 1 01 6 adrenal carcinomas Central necrosis was noted in all cortica l carcinomas and 9 01 14 pheochromocytomas. Margin 01 tumor necrosis was irregular in some 01 adrenal carcinomas but smooth in pheochromocytomas. We think CT provides not only the best anatomic inlormation in presurgical evaluation but also the relativeIy accurate histologic diagnosis