Methods Of Research In Psychotherapy

Psychotherapy. By L. A. Gottschalk and A. H. Auerbach. Price, $9.75. Pp 654. Appleton-Century-Crofts Inc., 440 Park Ave S, New York 10016, 1966. The editors of this buffet of articles on methods of research in psychotherapy have brilliantly succeeded in their goal of obtaining lucid and interesting presentations of numerous points of view. The book is well organized and well indexed, which makes it possible to find relevant articles quickly and easily. Also, there are a multitude of bibliographies that appear to cover almost every conceivable area of relevance to the major topic and which will be quite valuable to both the naive and the sophisticated investigator. The book is divided into three major sections : The Process of Data Collection, Data Analysis, and Evaluation of the Effects or Outcome of Psychotherapy. I shall attempt to excerpt some of the articles from each section to give the reader a flavor of the quality and variety of the presentations.