Substrate transfer for RF technologies

The constant pressure on performance improvement in RF processes is aimed at higher frequencies, less power consumption, and a higher integration level of high quality passives with digital active devices. Although excellent for the fabrication of active devices, it is the silicon substrate as a carrier that is blocking breakthroughs. Since all devices on a silicon wafer have a capacitive coupling to the resistive substrate, this results in a dissipation of RF energy, poor quality passives, cross-talk, and injection of thermal noise. We have developed a low-cost wafer-scale post-processing technology for transferring circuits, fabricated with standard IC processing, to an alternative substrate, e.g., glass. This technique comprises the gluing of a fully processed wafer, top down, to an alternative carrier followed by either partial or complete removal of the original silicon substrate. This effectively removes the drawbacks of silicon as a circuit carrier and enables the integration of high-quality passive components and eliminates cross-talk between circuit parts. A considerable development effort has brought this technology to a production-ready level of maturity. Batch-to-batch production equipment is now available and the technology and know-how are being licensed. In this paper, we present four examples to demonstrate the versatility of substrate transfer for RF applications.

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