Using KML files as encoding standard to explore locations , access and display data in Google Earth

If you want to use an earth browser, such as Google Earth or Google Maps to mark your favorite spots, define unique views for each of your favorite features, and share them with others; you need Keyhole Markup Language (KML) files. These files are XML-based scripting files; require the use of an extremely verbose tag-based language. These files can be created in the Google Earth, an XML editor or simple text editor; letting users load their own customized geo-coded data directly onto the earth browsers and display them as an additional layers. In some cases these files must be hosted on a websites and paste the URL of the file into the search box, to overlay the file on the top of the browser. The purpose of this paper is to provide a fundamental background of Google Earth's KML and its tremendous capabilities that follow the philosophy of keeping things as simple as possible; allows not only experts but also beginner users to integrate, explore, mange, and display geospatial data on Google Earth and Google Maps. iii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS