Publisher Summary This chapter discusses multiple-precision real and interval modules for PASCAL-XSC that illustrate a variety of algorithms for the multiple-precision evaluation of the function square root with maximum accuracy, the arithmetic-geometric mean iteration, the computation of a large number of digits of π , the computation of elliptic integrals, the computation of guaranteed bounds for the natural logarithm, and the computation of e π using a representation of this value by an infinite product. In general, enclosures for the desired values are computed. Because of the concept of the overloading of functions and the operator concept of PASCAL-XSC, programs become clear and readable.
Daniel Shanks,et al.
Calculation of π to 100,000 Decimals
B. C. Carlson.
Algorithms Involving Arithmetic and Geometric Means
Bruno Lortz.
Eine Langzahlarithmetik mit optimaler einseitiger Rundung
E. Salamin,et al.
Computation of π Using Arithmetic-Geometric Mean
Jonathan M. Borwein,et al.
The Arithmetic-Geometric Mean and Fast Computation of Elementary Functions
Richard P. Brent,et al.
Fast Multiple-Precision Evaluation of Elementary Functions