The Mouse Atlas Database: a community resource for mouse development

The Atlas is designed to provide the bioinformatics framework for community databases of mouse development. To facilitate this, we are building a graphical database that can hold 3D information (e.g. data on gene expression, cell properties, mutant phenotype, etc. from whole-mounts or sections) spatially mapped onto the digital models by using the array of voxels as ‘pigeon holes’ in the database. (Guidelines on preparing gene-expression data for entry into this, and similar, databases can be found in 8xSee all References8.) Because the digital models and anatomical vocabulary are linked, it will be possible to query the database using combinations of spatial and textual criteria. It will thus be possible to find genes with expression patterns that are (as defined by user) similar, adjacent or complementary to the expression domain of a given gene, and to display their expression patterns graphically on the digital models.We also plan to facilitate links with other databases, in particular the large amounts of textual gene-expression data in GXD, developed by our colleagues at the Jackson Laboratory. Indeed, we are collaborating with the Jackson Laboratory to create a ‘mouse gene-expression information resource’ that will provide easy and transparent access to both the Mouse Atlas Database and the GXD 9xA database for mouse development. Ringwald, M. et al. Science. 1994; 265: 2033–2034Crossref | PubMedSee all References9. The facility to visualize and combine experimental data with information from this resource will, we hope, provide a powerful analytical tool for gene-function studies.