Laser ultrasonics is a technique where lasers are employed to generate and detect ultrasound. A data collection method (full matrix capture) and a post processing imaging algorithm, the total focusing method, both developed for ultrasonic arrays, are modified and used in order to enhance the capabilities of laser ultrasonics for nondestructive testing by improving defect detectability and increasing spatial resolution. In this way, a laser induced ultrasonic phased array is synthesized. A model is developed and compared with experimental results from aluminum samples with side drilled holes and slots at depths of 5 20 mm from the surface. c © 2016 Optical Society of America OCIS codes: (280.3375) Laser induced ultrasonics; (110.5100) Phased-array imaging systems; (120.0280) Remote sensing and sensors; (120.4290 ) Nondestructive testing; (110.7170) Ultrasound. References and links 1. S. J. Davies, C. Edwards, G. S. Taylor, and S. B. 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J. Monchalin.
Progress Towards the Application of Laser-Ultrasonics in Industry
J. W. Wagner.
Breaking the sensitivity barrier: The challenge for laser-ultrasonics
IEEE 1992 Ultrasonics Symposium Proceedings.
Paul D. Wilcox,et al.
Imaging composite material using ultrasonic arrays
G. S. Taylor,et al.
Laser-generated ultrasound: its properties, mechanisms and multifarious applications
James B. Spicer,et al.
Theoretical noise-limited sensitivity of classical interferometry
D Lévesque,et al.
Performance of laser-ultrasonic F-SAFT imaging.
Alain Blouin,et al.
Hadamard multiplexing in laser ultrasonics.
Optics express.
Kenneth R. Yawn,et al.
Improved laser ultrasonic systems for industry
Natalia Glushkova,et al.
An analytically based computer model for surface measurements in ultrasonic crack detection
Jacek Jarzynski,et al.
The use of optical fibers to enhance the laser generation of ultrasonic waves
Richard M. White,et al.
Generation of Elastic Waves by Transient Surface Heating
D. Lynch,et al.
Handbook of Optical Constants of Solids
Clark,et al.
Diffractive acoustic elements for laser ultrasonics
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America.
Effect of laser beam incidence angle on the thermoelastic generation in semi-transparent materials.
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America.
Richard M. White,et al.
Excitation of Surface Elastic Waves by Transient Surface Heating
Shi-Chang Wooh,et al.
Optimum beam steering of linear phased arrays
P. Wilcox,et al.
Defect characterization using an ultrasonic array to measure the scattering coefficient matrix
IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control.
H. Pursey,et al.
The field and radiation impedance of mechanical radiators on the free surface of a semi-infinite isotropic solid
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences.
P. Wilcox,et al.
Post-processing of the full matrix of ultrasonic transmit-receive array data for non-destructive evaluation
Jan Drewes Achenbach,et al.
A Fiber-Based Laser Ultrasonic System for Remote Inspection of Limited Access Components
Alexander Sedov,et al.
Measurement Models and Scattering Models for Predicting the Ultrasonic Pulse-Echo Response From Side-Drilled Holes
J. W. Wagner,et al.
Experimental evaluation of enhanced generation of ultrasonic waves using an array of laser sources
M. Fink,et al.
Shear-wave focusing with a laser-ultrasound phased-array
IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control.
Jean-Pierre Monchalin,et al.
Detection of ultrasonic motion of a scattering surface by photorefractive InP:Fe under an applied dc field
David A. Hutchins,et al.
Laser‐generated ultrasonic pulses at free metal surfaces
David M. Pepper,et al.
Compensated High-Bandwidth Laser Ultrasonic Detector Based on Photo-Induced Emf in GaAs
Ye Chen,et al.
Relationship between Ultrasonic Characteristics and Relative Porosity in Al and Al-XSi Alloys
K. Koyama,et al.
Cracks measurement using fiber-phased array laser ultrasound generation
L. R. F. Rose,et al.
Point‐source representation for laser‐generated ultrasound
Matt Clark,et al.
CHeap Optical Transducers (CHOTs) for generation and detection of longitudinal waves
2012 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium.
Paul D. Wilcox,et al.
Ultrasonic arrays in NDE: Beyond the B-scan
Matt Clark,et al.
All-optical adaptive scanning acoustic microscope.
Jean F. Bussière,et al.
A new technique for the quantitative real-time monitoring of austenite grain growth in steel
Caroline Holmes,et al.
Advanced post-processing for scanned ultrasonic arrays: application to defect detection and classification in non-destructive evaluation.
J. W. Wagner,et al.
Sensitivity enhancement in laser ultrasonics using a versatile laser array system
Sridhar Krishnaswamy,et al.
Multiplexed interferometer for ultrasonic imaging applications
Bernstein,et al.
Line source representation for laser-generated ultrasound in aluminum
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America.
A. J. A. Bruinsma,et al.
Ultrasonic noncontact inspection system with optical fiber methods.
Applied optics.
Mathias Fink,et al.
The laser‐generated ultrasonic phased array: Analysis and experiments
A Blouin,et al.
Improved resolution and signal-to-noise ratio in laser-ultrasonics by SAFT processing.
Optics express.
R. J. Conant,et al.
Optical and thermal parameter effects on laser‐generated ultrasound
Peter Cawley,et al.
Review of Synthetically Focused Guided Wave Imaging Techniques With Application to Defect Sizing
J. Monchalin.
Optical Detection of Ultrasound
IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control.
I. Charles Ume,et al.
Development of a flexible laser ultrasonic probe