Lifefit: An Effective Exercise Program for Optimal Health and a Longer Life

An easy-to-follow programme for lengthening and improving lives. More than an exercise guide, this text is an effective tool for making meaningful lifestyle decisions to benefit long-term fitness. In Part 1, the authors discuss the changing political, social and economic environments that make lifestyle changes more important and offer examples of how to maximize the health benefits of exercise with minimum effort. Part II focuses on the benefits of making the switch from a sedentary to an active lifestyle. The connection between chronic disease and inactivity shows how exercise prolongs and improves quality of life. The positive effects of physical activity on stress reduction and improved mental capacity are also highlighted. In Part III, the authors present an easy-to-follow programme for change that anyone can incorporate into their daily life. Readers will learn how to select the exercise programme that works best for them, determine their current fitness level, and set goals for getting where they want to be.