Trustworthy Data Collection From Implantable Medical Devices Via High-Speed Security Implementation Based on IEEE 1363

Implantable medical devices (IMDs) have played an important role in many medical fields. Any failure in IMDs operations could cause serious consequences and it is important to protect the IMDs access from unauthenticated access. This study investigates secure IMD data collection within a telehealthcare [mobile health (m-health)] network. We use medical sensors carried by patients to securely access IMD data and perform secure sensor-to-sensor communications between patients to relay the IMD data to a remote doctor's server. To meet the requirements on low computational complexity, we choose N-th degree truncated polynomial ring (NTRU)-based encryption/decryption to secure IMD-sensor and sensor-sensor communications. An extended matryoshkas model is developed to estimate direct/indirect trust relationship among sensors. An NTRU hardware implementation in very large integrated circuit hardware description language is studied based on industry Standard IEEE 1363 to increase the speed of key generation. The performance analysis results demonstrate the security robustness of the proposed IMD data access trust model.