ABSTRACTA design study for a cargo transfer vehicle using solar electric propulsion was performed for NASA’s Revolu-tionary Aerospace Systems Conceptsprogram. Targetedfor 2016, the solar electric propulsion (SEP) transfervehicle is required to deliver a propellant supply module with a mass ofapproximately 36 metric tons fromLow Earth Orbit to the first Earth-Moon libration point (LL1) within 270 days. Following an examination ofpropulsion and power technology options, a SEP transfer vehicle design was selected that incorporated large-area (~2700 m 2 ) thin film solar arrays and a clustered engine configuration of eight 50 kW gridded ionthrusters mountedonanarticulatedboom. Refinement of the SEP vehicle designwasperformediteratively toproperly estimate the required xenon propellant load for the out-bound orbit transfer. The SEP vehicle per-formance, including the xenon propellant estimation, was verified via the SNAP trajectory code. Further ef-fortsare underway to extendthissystem model to otherorbit transfer missions.INTRODUCTION
John C. Mankins,et al.
The Hybrid Propellant Module (HPM): A New Concept for Space Transfer in the Earth's Neighborhood and Beyond
H. R. Kaufman,et al.
Electric thruster performance for orbit raising and maneuvering
Theodore N. Edelbaum,et al.
Propulsion Requirements for Controllable Satellites
Ernst Stuhlinger,et al.
Ion propulsion for space flight
H. Malchow,et al.
Optimal low thrust geocentric transfer