Spatial Disorientation Experiments and Training in Polish Air Force Institute of Aviation Medicine

SUMMARY Spatial disorientation (SD) is a long recognised problem in aviation environment. During flight the spatial disorientation may appear as a result of inadequate perception of the position or attitude of an aircraft in comparison of the co-ordinate system constituted by the Earth surface. It is extremely difficult to say how often spatial disorientation became the reason of military aircraft accidents [6] but in Poland it is calculated at around 8%. There is no ultimate cure for spatial disorientation; the two ways considered most important are pilot training and extensive research leading to better understanding of nature of SD which is little known despite of about forty years of worldwide awareness about this problem. Probably every air force in the world has its own methods for SD prevention and training programme. We think that most comprehensive approach to this question is introduction of wide training program using all available equipment and conducting of further experiments increasing our knowledge about this very complex problem. In 1998 PAFIAM went out with initiative of conducting the initial course and training counteracting spatial disorientation with polish military pilots using three simulators. The full – mission flight simulator “Japetus” is the first element of this system of devices to work on spatial disorientation prevention. Another device is lately obtained Gyro – IPT spatial disorientation simulator, which’s main purpose in contrary to “Japetus” is use in spatial orientation demonstration and training. Both previously mentioned devices are lacking of important possibility in terms of presentation of influence of linear acceleration on pilot’s vestibular system. To make possibilities of presentation and training more comprehensive we decided to include human carrying centrifuge into spatial disorientation programme.