Method and apparatus for image processing of endoscopic images
A method for improving images in an image processing means (5), the images of an electronic color video camera (3) of a medical endoscope (1) are supplied in order to be passed subsequently to an image display device (7), and after this a method operating the endoscope is characterized in that first pixel, the color components (R, G, B) from the used by the video camera color space (RGB) in a color space (HSL) can be transformed, in which the color saturation (S) (of the other components H, L) is independent, that then the saturation component (S) of each be converted by the pixel having a non-linear characteristic (11) is converted to the differences in the chromaticity between an upper region (b - 1) and a lower range (0 - b) the chroma enhanced and that finally the pixels are transformed into a suitable color space for image display (RGB).