Crack Front Propagation and Fracture in a Graphite Sheet: A Molecular-Dynamics Study on Parallel Computers

Crack propagation in a graphite sheet is investigated with million atom molecular-dynamics simulations based on Brenner{close_quote}s reactive empirical bond-order potential. For certain crystalline orientations, multiple crack branches with nearly equal spacing sprout as the crack tip reaches a critical speed of 0.6V{sub R}, where V{sub R} is the Rayleigh wave speed. This results in a fracture surface with secondary branches and overhangs. Within the same branch the crack-front profile is characterized by a roughness exponent, {alpha}=0.41{plus_minus}0.05. However, for interbranch fracture surface profiles the return probability yields {alpha}=0.71{plus_minus}0.10. Fracture toughness is estimated from Griffith analysis and local-stress distributions. {copyright} {ital 1997} {ital The American Physical Society}