The Influence of Top Management Support on Zakat Accounting Information System User Satisfaction in Baznas

This study aims to get the truth through hypothesis testing related to the influence of top management support on zakat accounting information system user satisfaction, the results of this study will be a solution to the problems that occur and can develop accounting science. The method of this research is explanatory research, the type of data used is primary data with a questionnaire instrument distributed to 21 Baznas with the observer unit of the system users in Baznas and the hypothesis testing tool used linear regression. The results showed that top management support influenced the level of satisfaction of the users of the system, both related to leadership, commitment and the provision of available resources at Baznas with a percentage of 59.5% while the remaining 40.5 was influenced by other factors that were not researched. Keywords: Top management support and system user satisfaction. DOI: 10.7176/RJFA/11-6-11 Publication date: March 31 st 2020