Simulations Analysis with Comparative Study of a PMSG Performances for Small WT Application by FEM

Permanent magnet synchronous generators (PMSGs) have a bright prospect in the small wind turbine (WT) applications; PMSGs co mpared to the conventional electrically excitated generators have many advantages, that's why they have attracted many and a strong interest of research. In this paper, a co mparative PMSG performance study's is presented, these performances is studied as a function of physical material like the type of permanent magnet (high, poor, average and linear), as a function of the environ mental conditions as rotor speed, finally, as a function of the design and geometrical parameters (rotor length, number of poles, nu mber of stator slots). These results are obtained by finite element method (FEM ); this approach is a powerful and useful tool to study and design PMSGs, as represented in this paper.