Gibbard [5] has shown that if there are at least three possible outcomes, then every nondictatorial " voting scheme " (i.e. every non-dictatorial group decision procedure which yields exactly one outcome for every voting situation and every issue) leaves scope for strategic misrepresentation of preferences by individuals.' This has serious implications. For, the sanctity of social decisions can be upheld only in so far as these decisions are based on the true or sincere preferences of individuals in the society. Social decisions based on distorted versions of individual preferences lose this sanctity, whatever be the ethical appeal of the method of aggregating the individuals' expressed preferences so as to arrive at the social decision. Thus Gibbard's result is of great importance. However, the structure within which Gibbard proves his result is relatively simple in so far as it does not include the phenomenon of possible counter-coalitions when a coalition (of one or more than one individual) threatens to disrupt a voting situation by strategic manipulations. In actual life the stability of a given voting situation (i.e. the absence of any strategic manipulation by any coalition, which will disrupt the voting situation) is often the result of a counterbalancing of " threats " and " counter-threats ,2 (or coalitions and counter-coalitions). The purpose of this paper is to incorporate this element into the analysis and to explore the consequences of this wider framework for the theorem proved by Gibbard.3 It turns out that this negative result remains practically intact even within the more general framework. It is shown that even when we use a notion of stability which takes into account the possibility of counter-threats (and which is, to that extent, weaker than the stability notion underlying Gibbard's analysis), for every non-dictatorial voting scheme satisfying some very mild conditions, there exist sincere voting situations which are unstable because of strategic voting by single individuals. This essentially strengthens the negative impact of Gibbard's theorem since even the fear of a counter-coalition from the rest of the group does not rule out strategic or non-sincere voting by a single individual under, practically any non-dictatorial voting scheme in which one is likely to be interested.
Donald B. Gillies,et al.
3. Solutions to General Non-Zero-Sum Games
A. Sen,et al.
Collective Choice and Social Welfare
J. Nash.
Classics in Game Theory.
A. Gibbard.
Manipulation of Voting Schemes: A General Result
Howard Raiffa,et al.
Games And Decisions
M. Satterthwaite.
Strategy Proofness and Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives: Existence and Equivalence Theorems for Voting Procedures
Prasanta K. Pattanaik,et al.
Threats, Counter-Threats, and Strategic Voting
Martin Shubik,et al.
Strategy and market structure
Stability of sincere voting under some classes of non-binary group decision procedures
Robin Farquharson,et al.
Theory of voting
K. Arrow.
Social Choice and Individual Values
Prasanta K. Pattanaik,et al.
On the stability of sincere voting situations
R. Aumann.
The core of a cooperative game without side payments
Prasanta K. Pattanaik,et al.
Strategic Voting Without Collusion Under Binary and Democratic Group Decision Rules
Y. Murakami.
Logic and Social Choice