Industrialization of 1000X concentration photovoltaic modules

High concentrator photovoltaic systems look for a remarkable reduction of cost in the production of electricity from solar radiation. This is possible thanks to an optical system which focus the light on a small solar cell. In this manner, high cost semiconductor material is substituted by potentially lower cost optical system. Since that, for this kind of solar modules, efficiency of optics system achieves a similar importance than solar cell itself. On the other hand to actually obtain the desired cost reduction, the cost of new elements and process needed must be low. The purpose of this work is to present the last advances in the industrialization of concentration PV modules based on TIR-R concentrator. To obtain a cost effective solution, the optics system is one of the key elements. Injection moulding technology gives the desired cost and quality requirements for the manufacturing of the optics system elements. The encapsulation process of the whole photovoltaic module for mass production is described. Optimization of encapsulation process of solar cell inside of secondary lens has been carried out. Over that optimized devices several optical efficiency measurements have been done. Individual concentrators have reach 69% optical efficiency. The combination of these concentrators with solar cells of 30-35% efficiency will give high concentration modules in the range of more than 20% electrical efficiency.