Triglyceride composition of Entada phaseolides seed oil.

Fatty acid and triglyceride compositions of Entada phaseolides seed oil have been determined by combination of the techniques of systematic crystallisation at low temperatures, pancreatic lipase hydrolysis and gas-liquid chromatography of methyl esters. The percentages of individual fatty acids were found to be myristic 0.3, palmitic 9.1, stearic 4.4, arachidic 1.7, behenic 1.6, oleic 35.8, linoleic 46.7 and linolenic 0.4. The special characteristic of this oil is its content of 6.9, 9.6, 17.0, 19.2, 5.0, 24.1 and 10.4% of monosaturated diolein, monosaturated dilinolein, saturated oleo linolein, dioleo-linolein, triolein, oleo dilinolein and trilinolein, respectively. This investigation has indicated that the 2-position of the triglyceride is preferentially esterified with C18 unsaturated acids and linoleic acid shows preference over oleic acid.