MCN: a neutron Monte Carlo code

The ganara) purpose Monta Cario neutron code MCN it dascribad in detail to halp tha uiar »»t up and run hit own problems. Tha coda traats general three-dimensional geometric configuration* of materials, and >an uta point cron-Mction data in althar tha Lieermore (LLL) or ».he Alderrnatton (AWRE) format. Optional standard variant* raduction techniques ara built into tha coda. Sourca information may ba iniartad in comptata generality, although cartain itandard sources ara included. Nautron thcrmaliiation ii traatad by a fraa-gn modal. In this treatment, light nuclei at* asiumri to have a Maximilian vatodty distribution with spatially dapandant temperatures that may also vary with time. Standard out)Mit includes cunent? and fluxes acroM arbitrary surfaces in tha problem, avaratir f!use* in designated carts, fluxes at each of a sat of point detectors in spaee, and tha number of particles captured In a oeN as a function of enwgy and time. A sample problem is described and set up, and the complete computer listing of a trial run is ojven.