European Data Watch: Micro Data at the Ifo Institute for Economic Research – The “Ifo Business Survey”, Usage and Access
[1] Kai E. Sülzle. Innovation and Adoption of Electronic Business Technologies , 2007 .
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[6] Dirk Ulbricht,et al. Lost in Transmission? Stock Market Impacts of the 2006 European Gas Crisis , 2007 .
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[8] Irene Bertschek,et al. Product and Process Innovation As a Response To Increasing Imports and Foreign Direct-investment , 1995 .
[9] Klaus Abberger,et al. Nonparametric Regression and the Detection of Turning Points in the Ifo Business Climate , 2004, SSRN Electronic Journal.
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[11] Georg Goldrian,et al. Handbuch der umfragebasierten Konjunkturforschung , 2004 .
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[17] Werner Smolny,et al. Determinants of innovation behaviour and investment estimates for west-german manufacturing firms , 2003 .
[18] Michael Schröder,et al. Prognosegehalt von ifo-Geschäftserwartungen und ZEW-Konjunkturerwartungen: Ein ökonometrischer Vergleich / Forecasting German industrial Production: An Econometric Comparison of ifo- and ZEW-Business Expectations , 2002 .
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[20] Joachim Benner,et al. Prognosegüte alternativer Frühindikatoren für die Konjunktur in Deutschland , 2003 .
[21] J. Temple,et al. Dualism and cross-country growth regressions , 2004, SSRN Electronic Journal.
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[25] Monika Ruschinski,et al. Investigating the Cyclical Properties of World Trade , 2006 .
[26] Andreas Haufler,et al. Company-tax coordination cum tax-rate competition in the European union , 2006 .
[27] Michael Stimmelmayr,et al. Implementing a Dual Income Tax in Germany:Effects on Investment and Welfare , 2005 .
[28] A. Kuhlmann,et al. German Productivity - A Reassessment via the New Ifo Productivity Database , 2006 .
[29] Jörg Döpke,et al. Predicting Germany's recessions with leading indicators: Evidence from probit models , 1999 .
[31] Ulrich Fritsche,et al. Vorlaufeigenschaften von Ifo-Indikatoren für Westdeutschland , 1999 .
[32] J. Hinze. Prognoseleistung von Frühindikatoren: Die Bedeutung von Frühindikatoren für Konjunkturprognosen - Eine Analyse für Deutschland , 2003 .
[33] Klaus Abberger,et al. Qualitative Business Surveys in Manufacturing and Industrial Production - What can be Learned from Industry Branch Results? , 2006 .
[34] Ulrich Fritsche,et al. Do Probit Models Help in Forecasting Turning Points in German Business Cycles , 2001 .
[35] Sabine Stephan,et al. Leading Indicators of German Business Cycles. An Assessment of Properties / Frühindikatoren der deutschen Konjunktur. Eine Beurteilung ihrer Eigenschaften , 2000 .
[36] Gebhard Flaig,et al. Dynamische Interaktionen zwischen Innovationsplanung und -realisation / Dynamic Interactions between Planning and Realization of Innovations , 1994 .
[37] Georg Goldrian. Prognosegehalt von ifo-Geschäftserwartungen und ZEW-Konjunkturerwartungen. Eine Anmerkung , 2003 .
[38] Klaus Abberger,et al. The Use of Qualitative Business Tendency Surveys for Forecasting Business Investment in Germany , 2005 .
[39] Horst Rottmann,et al. Employment Effects of Innovation at the Firm Level , 2007 .
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[41] Gebhard Flaig. Seasonal and Cyclical Properties of Ifo Business Test Variables / Saisonale und zyklische Eigenschaften von ifo Konjunkturtest Variablen , 2003 .
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[51] Joachim Benner,et al. Was leisten Stimmungsindikatoren für die Prognose des realen Bruttoinlandsprodukts in Deutschland? Eine Echtzeit-Analyse , 2005 .
[52] Boriss Siliverstovs,et al. On the Forecasting Properties of the Alternative Leading Indicators for the German GDP: Recent Evidence , 2006 .
[53] Klaus Abberger. Another Look at the Ifo Business Cycle Clock , 2006 .
[54] W. Pohlmeier,et al. On the simultaneity of innovations and market structure , 1992 .
[55] Rottmann Horst,et al. The Labour Demand and the Innovation Behaviour of Firms / Die Arbeitsnachfrage und das Innovationsverhalten von Unternehmen: An Empirical Investigation for West German Manufacturing Firms / Eine empirische Untersuchung für das westdeutsche Verarbeitende Gewerbe , 1998 .
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[58] Norbert Funke,et al. Predicting recessions: Some evidence for Germany , 1997 .
[59] Klaus Wohlrabe,et al. Einige Prognoseeigenschaften des ifo Geschäftsklimas - Ein Überblick über die neuere wissenschaftliche Literatur , 2006 .
[60] Klaus F. Zimmermann,et al. Innovative activity and industrial structure , 1989 .
[61] John Foster,et al. Interactive expectations , 2002 .
[62] Thomas Knetsch,et al. Evaluating the German Inventory Cycle - Using Data from the Ifo Business Survey , 2004, SSRN Electronic Journal.
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[64] A. Kuhlmann,et al. What is the X-Factor in the German Electricity Industry? , 2006 .
[65] Jörg Breitung,et al. Prognoseeigenschaften alternativer Indikatoren für die Konjunkturentwicklung in Deutschland , 2002 .
[66] Michael Lechner,et al. Innovation activity and firm heterogeneity : empirical evidence from West Germany , 1992 .
[67] Gebhard Flaig,et al. Estimating the Output Gap Using Business Survey Data a Bivariate Structural Time Series Model for the German Economy , 2000, SSRN Electronic Journal.
[68] Georg Goldrian. Handbook of Survey-Based Business Cycle Analysis , 2007 .
[69] M. Werding,et al. Time limits in a two-tier unemployment benefit scheme under involuntary unemployment , 2010 .
[70] Kai Sülzle,et al. Stable and Efficient Electronic Business Networks: Key Players and the Dilemma of Peripheral Firms , 2005 .
[71] W. Smolny,et al. Innovations, Prices and Employment: A Theoretical Model and an Empirical Application for West German Manufacturing Firms , 2003 .
[72] Manfred Stadler,et al. Success breeds success. The dynamics of the innovation process , 1994 .