[Computerized tomography and magnetic resonance tomography studies before and after para-tibial fasciotomy].

Paratibial fasciotomy has been employed since 1981 to treat patients with chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) and therapy-resistant leg ulcers with severe lipodermatosclerosis. The characteristic morphological changes in CVI were evaluated shown before and after paratibial fasciotomy using computerized tomography (CT) and magnet resonance tomography (MRT). 10 patients (6 female, 4 male) were examined by CT and MRT pre- and postoperatively. Preoperatively there is a clear thickening of the dermis and subcutaneous field. In addition, the area around the achilles tendon is thickened, the fasciae are enlarged and the muscles of the lower leg show an increase of fatty tissue. A decrease of the cutaneous and subcutaneous thickening is seen postoperatively. The fasciotomy split is visible in most patients.