Recent Advances in Gas Turbine Engine Dynamic Models Developed Through JDAPS
The Joint Dynamic Airbreathing Propulsion Simulation (JDAPS) partnership was formed far the purpose of developing, validating, and applying advanced analytical simulations to investigate gas turbine engine dynamic performance and operability. This paper provides an introduction and demonstrates the operation of three dynamic models and simulations developed by members of the JDAPS partnership. These dynamic models and simulations include a new combustor analysis program (VP1COMB), the integration of the dynamic combustor model into an existing dynamic stage-by-stage compressor model and simulation (DYNTECC), and a new full gas turbine engine dynamic model and simulation (ATEC). For each of the gas turbine engine analysis tools, the model equations are first introduced, then operation of the simulation is demonstrated through selected test cases. The simulation results obtained during the operational verification test cases were appropriate for the inputs given. Calibration of the models and simulations has only been accomplished in a limited manner to date and will be the topic of future papers.Copyright © 1995 by ASME