Multibranch entrainment and slow evolution among branches in coupled oscillators.
In globally coupled oscillators, it is believed that strong higher harmonics of coupling functions are essential for multibranch entrainment (MBE), in which there exist many stable states, whose number scales as approximately O(expN) (where N is the system size). The existence of MBE implies the nonergodicity of the system. Then, because this apparent breaking of ergodicity is caused by microscopic energy barriers, this seems to be in conflict with a basic principle of statistical physics. Using macroscopic dynamical theories, we demonstrate that there is no such ergodicity breaking, and such a system slowly evolves among branch states, jumping over microscopic energy barriers due to the influence of thermal noise. This phenomenon can be regarded as an example of slow dynamics driven by a perturbation along a neutrally stable manifold consisting of an infinite number of branch states.