Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, 30th International Workshop,WG 2004, Bad Honnef, Germany, June 21-23, 2004, Revised Papers

Invited Papers.- Lexicographic Breadth First Search - A Survey.- Wireless Networking: Graph Theory Unplugged.- Graph Algorithms: Trees.- Constant Time Generation of Trees with Specified Diameter.- Treelike Comparability Graphs: Characterization, Recognition, and Applications.- Elegant Distance Constrained Labelings of Trees.- Collective Tree Spanners and Routing in AT-free Related Graphs.- Graph Algorithms: Recognition and Decomposition.- On the Maximum Cardinality Search Lower Bound for Treewidth.- Fully-Dynamic Recognition Algorithm and Certificate for Directed Cographs.- Recognizing HHD-free and Welsh-Powell Opposition Graphs.- Bimodular Decomposition of Bipartite Graphs.- Coloring a Graph Using Split Decomposition.- Graph Algorithms: Various Problems.- Decremental Clique Problem.- A Symbolic Approach to the All-Pairs Shortest-Paths Problem.- Minimal de Bruijn Sequence in a Language with Forbidden Substrings.- A Graph-Theoretic Generalization of the Least Common Subsumer and the Most Specific Concept in the Description Logic .- Optimization and Approximation Algorithms.- The Computational Complexity of the Minimum Weight Processor Assignment Problem.- A Stochastic Location Problem with Applications to Tele-diagnostic.- A Robust PTAS for Maximum Weight Independent Sets in Unit Disk Graphs.- Tolerance Based Algorithms for the ATSP.- Parameterized Complexity and Exponential Algorithms.- Finding k Disjoint Triangles in an Arbitrary Graph.- Exact (Exponential) Algorithms for the Dominating Set Problem.- Linear Kernels in Linear Time, or How to Save k Colors in O(n 2) Steps.- Counting, Combinatorics, and Optimization.- Planar Graphs, via Well-Orderly Maps and Trees.- Efficient Computation of the Lovasz Theta Function for a Class of Circulant Graphs.- Unhooking Circulant Graphs: A Combinatorial Method for Counting Spanning Trees and Other Parameters.- Applications (Biology, Graph Drawing).- Computing Bounded-Degree Phylogenetic Roots of Disconnected Graphs.- Octagonal Drawings of Plane Graphs with Prescribed Face Areas.- Crossing Reduction in Circular Layouts.- Graph Classes and NP Hardness.- Characterization and Recognition of Generalized Clique-Helly Graphs.- Edge-Connectivity Augmentation and Network Matrices.- Partitioning a Weighted Graph to Connected Subgraphs of Almost Uniform Size.- The Hypocoloring Problem: Complexity and Approximability Results when the Chromatic Number Is Small.- Core Stability of Minimum Coloring Games.