海上汚染問題點과 對應方案 - 1993年 우리나라 海上汚染 投棄物과 關聯하여 -

Many Nations have greatly exerted all possible efforts not to damage marine environments in that they are very valuable to mankind. However, the sea is thought of holding endless abilities to neutralize the poison of a waste and to reproduce it, various wastes - dredging waste, industrial waste, sewege waste, atomic and radioactive waste, oil outflow-are usually dumped into the sea and pollute it. Several nations established international agreements in 1972,1973,1978 in order to control the waste dumping and to preserve the marine surroundings in good condition. In 1977 Korea also enacted the Marine Pollution Prevention Law to keep good marine circumstances. But it is necessary to draw, up several positive plans to prevent effectively the marine" pollution, because the la", is far from perfect. Among the several wastes, especially atomic and radioactive waste, and oil outflow may cause serious problem in marine pollution. Active counterplans on the above mentioned wastes are as follows: In regarding atomic and radioactive waste dumping, first of all, it is necessary to watch closely the waste dumping which can be always occurred by the neighbor nations or others. Secondly, it's very urgent matter that all nations join the London Agreement preventing to throw harmful materials into the sea. Thirdly, on a government basis Korea and Japan must consider more powerful counterplans to protect Russia's dumping of atomic waste into the East sea, and officially bring the matter before the international organization. In regard to oil outflow, firstly, it is need to expand the number of person, equipments to check up the marine pollution and vessel traffic service. Secondly, the expansion of waste accommodations on land is necessary. Thirdly it is necessary to make preparation for monitering equipments and to desire a rapid countermove against the marine disasters. Fourthly, administrative rules related to the marine pollution prevention must be amended. Fifthly, to strengthen the control of the quality of the sea water, to set up the prevention plan for the emergent marine pollution, to found a system assuming full charge of marine pollution, and to conclude a convention on the prevention of marine pollution with the neighbor nations is very urgent matter. As mentioned above, the problems of contaminated abandonment must do radical investigation and lookout, enter into the relative international association ect. and deliverate a measure of safety. It is not only important complement and improve for the equipments necessary, but also educate, cultivate and discipline the experts in order to remove polltutants. But the resident of an area, the people and cosmopolitan should be concerned about industrial waste matters, pollutants of radioactive contramination and outward flow and blob of waste oil (gooey lump that waste oil forms into after being dumped at sea from the vessels) at sea and should continue in partnership to solve the problems of their threats of the ecosystem and human beings.