ARPENTEUR: a web-based photogrammetry tool for architectural modeling

ARPENTEUR is a web application for digital photogrammetry mainly dedicated to architecture. ARPENTEUR has been developed since 1998 by two French research teams: the 'Photogrammetry and Geomatics' group of ENSAIS-LERGEC's laboratory and the MAP-gamsau CNRS laboratory located in the school of Architecture of Marseille. The software package is a web based tool since photogrammetric concepts are embedded in Web technology and Java programming language. The aim of this project is to propose a photogrammetric software package and 3D modeling methods available on the Internet as applets through a simple browser. The use of Java and the Web platform is ful of advantages. Distributing software on any platform, at any pace connected to Internet is of course very promising. The updating is done directly on the server and the user always works with the latest release installed on the server. Three years ago the first prototype of ARPENTEUR was based on the Java Development Kit at the time only available for some browsers. Nowadays, we are working with the JDK 1.3 plug-in enriched by Java Advancing Imaging library.