Aurora Guard: Reliable Face Anti-Spoofing via Mobile Lighting System

Face authentication on mobile end has been widely applied in various scenarios. Despite the increasing reliability of cutting-edge face authentication/verification systems to variations like blinking eye and subtle facial expression, antispoofing against high-resolution rendering replay of paper photos or digital videos retains as an open problem. In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective face anti-spoofing system, termed Aurora Guard (AG). Our system firstly extracts the normal cues via light reflection analysis, and then adopts an end-to-end trainable multi-task Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to accurately recover subjects’ intrinsic depth and material map to assist liveness classification, along with the light CAPTCHA checking mechanism in the regression branch to further improve the system reliability. Experiments on public Replay-Attack and CASIA datasets demonstrate the merits of our proposed method over the state-ofthe-arts. We also conduct extensive experiments on a largescale dataset containing 12, 000 live and diverse spoofing samples, which further validates the generalization ability of our method in the wild.

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