Water as an active constituent in cell biology.

When Szent-Gyorgyi called water the “matrix of life”,1 he was echoing an old sentiment. Paracelsus in the 16th century said that “water was the matrix of the world and of all its creatures.”2 But Paracelsus’s notion of a matrixsan active substance imbued with fecund, life-giving propertiess was quite different from the picture that, until very recently, molecular biologists have tended to hold of water’s role in the chemistry of life. Although acknowledging that liquid water has some unusual and important physical and chemical propertiessits potency as a solvent, its ability to form hydrogen bonds, its amphoteric naturesbiologists have regarded it essentially as the backdrop on which life’s molecular components are arrayed. It used to be common practice, for example, to perform computer simulations of biomolecules in a vacuum. Partly this was because the computational intensity of simulating a polypeptide chain was challenging even without accounting for solvent molecules too, but it also reflected the prevailing notion that water does little more than temper or moderate the basic physicochemical interactions responsible for molecular biology. What Gerstein and Levitt said 9 years ago remains true today: “When scientists publish models of biological molecules in journals, they usually draw their models in bright colors and place them against a plain, black background”.3 Curiously, this neglect of water as an active component of the cell went hand in hand with the assumption that life could not exist without it. That was basically an empirical conclusion derived from our experience of life on Earth: environments without liquid water cannot sustain life, and special strategies are needed to cope with situations in which, because of extremes of either heat or cold, the liquid is scarce.4-6 The recent confirmation that there is at least one world rich in organic molecules on which rivers and perhaps shallow seas or bogs are filled with nonaqueous fluidsthe liquid hydrocarbons of Titan7smight now bring some focus, even urgency, to the question of whether water is indeed a * E-mail: p.ball@nature.com. Philip Ball is a science writer and a consultant editor for Nature, where he worked as an editor for physical sciences for more than 10 years. He holds a Ph.D. in physics from the University of Bristol, where he worked on the statistical mechanics of phase transitions in the liquid state. His book H2O: A Biography of Water (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1999) was a survey of the current state of knowledge about the behavior of water in situations ranging from planetary geomorphology to cell biology. He frequently writes about aspects of water science for both the popular and the technical media.