Stereotactic radiofrequency thermal cingulotomy for obsessive compulsive disorder.

Robert L. Martuza, M.D. E. Antonio Chiocca, M.D., Ph.D. Michael A. Jenike, M.D. Ida E. Giriunas, R.N. H. Thomas Ballantine, M.D. Conventional therapy of the patient with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) with both psychotropic medication and behavioral therapy can be very successful.’ However, as many as 20% of OCD patients may be refractory to conventional treatment.2 Some of these remain severely disabled. It is this group of OCD patients that is considered for surgery. Herein we discuss our method of patient selection, our choice of surgical procedure, the surgical technique itself, and the complications and benefits that we have observed. These are compared with studies of this and other procedures that have appeared in the literature.