주거지 재생지역 다가구 임대주택 계획에 관한 연구

Housing Improvements in Korea have executed in the way of scratch first, and rebuilding up to now and generated discussion points about more desirable and feasible housing alternatives that respects exist local area and residents ways of living. The purpose of this research was to scrutinize residents needs for improvement plenty of multi-family housing especially in the view of owner who are sharing their space with tenants. The main methodology used were small group workshop panel which permitted substantial amounts of qualitative data. In this process, an alternative plan was deliberately developed to be used as a communication tool to encourage and stimulate participants discussion. As results, there found that owners appreciated first value of social interaction from living together within a house building. Second, necessity of plan to secure privacy for both owner and tenants. Third, alternative plan possibilities which empowered their skills in the thinking expression. The results are expected to be usefully utilized to explore various rental housing alternatives, especially in the housing improvement target area.