피서지 쓰레기의 물리적 특성 및 피서객 의식조사 연구

In order to making resources for the organic wastes, it is very important to understand for the life cycle of wastes before the physicochemical analysis and engineering technology. Therefore we try to fine the solution through the interdisciplinary consilience between natural science and social science for the management of refuge in summer resort. Summer visitors of beach answered that fly tipping of refuse was 65.56% and insufficient separation was 17.78% about the survey. But insufficient separation was 42.5% and fly tipping was 37.5% in valley. The survey for the effective methods at reducing refuse was represented that campaign and teaching was 47.78%, fine was 23.33% and using the standard bags was 18.89% in beach. Campaign and teaching was 37.5%, using the standard bags was 37.5% and fine was 15% in valley. Bulk density of refuse in gyeongpo beach was measured in 74㎏/m3. This value was three times as much low than municipal solid wastes. Moreover, the composition of refuses in beach showed that combustible materials was 81.1% and incombustible materials was 18.9%. Moisture, ash and combustibles were analyzed 19.0%, 9.2% and 91.8% respectively.