s) Marine influences on climate, 5A-123, -125, -132, -155, -161, -205 Ocean currents and weather, 5A-139, -140, -170 Ocean temperatures and long range forecasting, 5A-117. -120, -121,-124, -126, -129 Lake influences on climate, 5A-134 Analogies between ocean and atmosphere Stability criteria. 5A-131 Inertia oscillations, 5A-137 Circulation, 5A-137, -151 Temperature distribution, 5A-173 Oceanographic research, 5A-166, -177, -180, -182, -187, -188, -195, -204. -247 Ocean geography, 5A-135 History of oceanography and marine meteorology, 5A-116, -119. -127. -130. -145, -174, -191, -247, -249 International cooperation in marine meteorology, 5A-119 -144, -154, -172, -175. -195, -199, -201, -247, -249 Sea ice (see also bibliography on the General meteorology of the Arctic to appear in MAB) Characteristics, 5A-164 Distribution, 5A-164 Glossaries of terminology, 5A-194 International ice patrol, 5A-201, -232 Applications of marine meteorology Industrial, 5A-165, -192 Military, 5A-145 Study of climatic change, 5A-159, -172 Oceans Atlantic Ocean, 5A-118, -122, -130, -133, -153, -167, -206 North Atlantic. 5A-11V, -120, -121, -123. -124. -144, -152, -154, -184 to -186 Marginal Seas, 5A-120, -143, -148, -161, -175,-183 Pacific Ocean, 5A-118. -122, -130, -141, -181 North Pacific, 5A-184 Marginal Seas. 5A-136, -164, -198 Indian Ocean, 5A-118, -122, -130. -133, -206 Arctic Ocean Marginal seas, 5A-136 Antarctic Ocean, 5A-190, -206 Land Europe. 5A-123. -32, -137, -153, -169 Scandinavia, 5A-117. -120, -170 Yugoslavia, 5A-188 Peru, 5A-1<0, -170 U.S.S.R.. 5A-134. -166, -177, -180 United States, 5A-187, -204 PERIODICALS; AND SERIALS