Cooperative works for welfare support agents using soft DNA
When a welfare support agent.s system is considercd form the increase in t.he number of agents aud tlic coniplexity of t,liis system, cooperatioil among agent,s and cooperatioii aiiioug liuinan aiid agents are necessary. Therefore, each agent needs t o hare a conimoii control nieclianism and needs to form tlic role dyiiainically. Agent's control meclranisrn constructs the hierarcliy niodel of Rssniussen wliicli is t.lrrce hierarchical st,ructure: niacroscopic knowledge, microscopic kuowledgc aiid local loop. This model is constructed of Soft. DNA (Soft computing orieiited Data driven fuNct.iunal scheduling Arcliit.ect,ure), and achieve t.he dyiianiic role formation Robot. soccer is used as the erainplc of the domain of cooperative works. Thc effectiveness of cooperative works for welfare support agents using Soft DXA is verified by the robot experiment.
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