System design and business method for technology, resource, economics strategy management to practical use of the research and development result

The present invention is schematically set the gisulseong, Resources, economic strategic system, and relates to the construction method, the web-based TRE connected to the system after user authentication, organization-wide R & D commercialization strategy aims for practical outcomes research and development and application the R & D commercialization project evaluation and after selection, evaluation of reserves technical and practical to perform practically from the selection of the target technology, practical exit post evaluation of R & D standards practically built the entire process in the system to process practically to perform (step 1 ~ 10) process management module; Set the total R & D commercialization strategic objectives of the organization and, create a strategy map for achieving the strategic goals, key performance indicators (KPI) measurement and strategy error measurement, TRE strategic management module and the other for the individual / organization-specific performance evaluation strategic management module (ABC / ABM, EVA, value Engineering, ERP) and is linked, strategic objectives and practical use to express a variety of tables and graphs to measure the actual performance value of a key performance indicator (KPI) in quantitative numerical strategy management module; Economic evaluation (assessment amount) and a feasibility assessment (evaluation scores) of the R & D project carried out practical tasks assessment modules; And a general user information DB, R & D projects general information DB, and a database that includes key performance indicators DB. Therefore, practical strategies managed R & D projects selected, it is possible to systematically manage the entire process R & D carried out after practical use practical strategies and practical exit to subsequent evaluation. Research and development, commercialization, TRE (gisulseong, Resources, economic) strategy system