H19 in normal development and neoplasia

Since our previous review (De Groot and Hochberg, 1993), a large number of studies regarding the role of genomic imprinting in normal development, and in nonneoplastic and neoplastic diseases has been reported. Although a number of very interesting but more general reviews have been published (Feinberg, 1993; Tycko, 1994; Surani, 1994; Ohlsson et al., 1994a; Nicholls, 1994; Langlois, 1994; Efstratiadis, 1994; Barlow, 1994; Brenton et al., 1995; Deal, 1995; Barlow, 1995; Sapienza, 1995;Feinberg et al., 1995;Lathametal., 1995;Franklin et al., 1996; John andSurani, 1996; Leighton et al., 1996), the new data justify an update on genomic imprinting, in particular on H19 and its putative role in normal development and especially neoplastic growth. Data will be discussed which were thought to support the idea that H19 acts as a tumor suppressor gene. We propose that these data are in favor of the hypothesis that H19 acts as an oncofetal gene. We will describe different aspects of H19, including its possible link with the insulin-like growth factor-2 (igf2 for mouse and IGF2 for human).

[1]  A. Hochberg,et al.  Unique expression patterns of H19 in human testicular cancers of different etiology , 1997, Oncogene.

[2]  A. Hochberg,et al.  Characterization of the imprinted IPW gene: allelic expression in normal and tumorigenic human tissues. , 1996, Oncogene.

[3]  J. Barber,et al.  Further evidence for an imprinted gene for neonatal diabetes localised to chromosome 6q22-q23. , 1996, Human molecular genetics.

[4]  J. Sutcliffe,et al.  Mouse/human sequence divergence in a region with a paternal-specific methylation imprint at the human H19 locus. , 1996, Human molecular genetics.

[5]  L. Feng,et al.  Chromosome 11p15.5 regional imprinting: comparative analysis of KIP2 and H19 in human tissues and Wilms' tumors. , 1996, Human molecular genetics.

[6]  A. Riggs,et al.  Dynamic methylation adjustment and counting as part of imprinting mechanisms. , 1996, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

[7]  Y. Fukushima,et al.  Genomic imprinting of human p57KIP2 and its reduced expression in Wilms' tumors. , 1996, Human molecular genetics.

[8]  M. Surani,et al.  Imprinted genes and regulation of gene expression by epigenetic inheritance. , 1996, Current opinion in cell biology.

[9]  R. Weinberg E2F and Cell Proliferation: A World Turned Upside Down , 1996, Cell.

[10]  M. Dziadek,et al.  Expression of H19 and Igf2 genes in uniparental mouse ES cells during in vitro and in vivo differentiation. , 1996, Differentiation; research in biological diversity.

[11]  R. Jaenisch,et al.  Germ-line passage is required for establishment of methylation and expression patterns of imprinted but not of nonimprinted genes. , 1996, Genes & development.

[12]  A. Feinberg,et al.  Imprinting of the gene encoding a human cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor, p57KIP2, on chromosome 11p15. , 1996, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

[13]  A. Hoffman,et al.  Imprinting and expression of insulin-like growth factor-II and H19 in normal breast tissue and breast tumor. , 1996, The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism.

[14]  C. Polychronakos,et al.  Polymorphic functional imprinting of the human IGF2 gene among individuals, in blood cells, is associated with H19 expression. , 1996, Biochemical and biophysical research communications.

[15]  S. Elledge,et al.  Selective maternal-allele loss in human lung cancers of the maternally expressed p57KIP2 gene at 11p15.5. , 1996, Oncogene.

[16]  C. Haudenschild,et al.  H19, a marker of developmental transition, is reexpressed in human atherosclerotic plaques and is regulated by the insulin family of growth factors in cultured rabbit smooth muscle cells. , 1996, The Journal of clinical investigation.

[17]  R. Ohlsson,et al.  Allele-specific in situ hybridization (ASISH) analysis: a novel technique which resolves differential allelic usage of H19 within the same cell lineage during human placental development. , 1996, Development.

[18]  Katsuki Ito,et al.  Loss of H19 imprinting in esophageal cancer. , 1996, Cancer research.

[19]  F. Beck,et al.  Expression of insulin-like growth factor II (IGF)-II) and H19 in murine teratocarcinomas derived from embryonic stem (ES) cells. , 1996, Journal of anatomy.

[20]  D. Gerhard,et al.  Localization of a tumor suppressor gene in 11p15.5 using the G401 Wilms' tumor assay. , 1996, Human molecular genetics.

[21]  M. Surani,et al.  Peg3 imprinted gene on proximal chromosome 7 encodes for a zinc finger protein , 1996, Nature Genetics.

[22]  J. Mcneil,et al.  XIST RNA paints the inactive X chromosome at interphase: evidence for a novel RNA involved in nuclear/chromosome structure , 1996, The Journal of cell biology.

[23]  S. Tilghman,et al.  Genomic imprinting in mice: its function and mechanism. , 1996, Biology of reproduction.

[24]  E. Newlands,et al.  A clinical, histopathological and flow cytometric study of 149 complete moles, 146 partial moles and 107 non‐molar hydropic abortions , 1996, Histopathology.

[25]  K. Latham,et al.  Stage-specific and cell type-specific aspects of genomic imprinting effects in mammals. , 1996, Differentiation; research in biological diversity.

[26]  G. Riou,et al.  High incidence of loss of heterozygosity and abnormal imprinting of H19 and IGF2 genes in invasive cervical carcinomas. Uncoupling of H19 and IGF2 expression and biallelic hypomethylation of H19. , 1996, Oncogene.

[27]  H. Ropers,et al.  Maternal-specific methylation of the human IGF2R gene is not accompanied by allele-specific transcription. , 1996, Genomics.

[28]  D. J. Driscoll,et al.  DNA methylation patterns in human tissues of uniparental origin using a zinc-finger gene (ZNF127) from the Angelman/Prader-Willi region. , 1996, American journal of medical genetics.

[29]  S. Rastan,et al.  Requirement for Xist in X chromosome inactivation , 1996, Nature.

[30]  S. Zhan,et al.  Loss of imprinting of IGF2 in Ewing's sarcoma. , 1995, Oncogene.

[31]  D. Barlow,et al.  Gametic Imprinting in Mammals , 1995, Science.

[32]  M. Surani,et al.  Temporal and spatial regulation of H19 imprinting in normal and uniparental mouse embryos. , 1995, Development.

[33]  W. Reik,et al.  Imprinting mutations in the Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome suggested by altered imprinting pattern in the IGF2-H19 domain. , 1995, Human molecular genetics.

[34]  R. Lothe,et al.  Molecular genetic changes in human male germ cell tumors. , 1995, Laboratory investigation; a journal of technical methods and pathology.

[35]  Subhasis Banerjee,et al.  A chromatin model of IGF2/H19 imprinting , 1995, Nature Genetics.

[36]  R. Pedersen,et al.  Developmental regulation of genomic imprinting during gametogenesis. , 1995, Developmental biology.

[37]  P. Propping,et al.  Clinical evidence for genomic imprinting in bipolar I disorder , 1995, Acta psychiatrica Scandinavica.

[38]  A. Hochberg,et al.  The expression of the imprinted H19 and IGF‐2 genes in human bladder carcinoma , 1995, FEBS letters.

[39]  L. Looijenga,et al.  No recurrent structural abnormalities apart from i(12p) in primary germ cell tumors of the adult testis , 1995, Genes, chromosomes & cancer.

[40]  T. Mukai,et al.  Genomic imprinting of p57KIP2, a cyclin–dependent kinase inhibitor, in mouse , 1995, Nature Genetics.

[41]  M. Surani,et al.  Towards unravelling the Igf2/H19 imprinted domain. , 1995, BioEssays : news and reviews in molecular, cellular and developmental biology.

[42]  N. de Groot,et al.  H19 expression and tumorigenicity of choriocarcinoma derived cell lines. , 1995, Oncogene.

[43]  M. Pazin,et al.  An enhancer deletion affects both H19 and Igf2 expression. , 1995, Genes & development.

[44]  M. Surani,et al.  Peg1/Mest imprinted gene on chromosome 6 identified by cDNA subtraction hybridization , 1995, Nature Genetics.

[45]  G. Gyapay,et al.  Imprinted chromosomal regions of the human genome display sex-specific meiotic recombination frequencies , 1995, Current Biology.

[46]  J. Mann,et al.  Biallelic expression of imprinted genes in the mouse germ line: implications for erasure, establishment, and mechanisms of genomic imprinting. , 1995, Genes & development.

[47]  H. Mizoguchi,et al.  Maintenance of normal imprinting of H19 and IGF2 genes in neuroblastoma. , 1995, Cancer research.

[48]  C. Deal Parental genomic imprinting. , 1995, Current opinion in pediatrics.

[49]  T. Ekström,et al.  Expression, promoter usage and parental imprinting status of insulin-like growth factor II (IGF2) in human hepatoblastoma: uncoupling of IGF2 and H19 imprinting. , 1995, Oncogene.

[50]  N. Niikawa,et al.  Establishment of functional imprinting of the H19 gene in human developing placentae , 1995, Nature Genetics.

[51]  D. Forman,et al.  Trends in incidence of testicular cancer in boys and adolescent men , 1995, International journal of cancer.

[52]  T. Ekström,et al.  Monoallelic expression of IGF2 at the human fetal/maternal boundary , 1995, Molecular reproduction and development.

[53]  S. Tilghman,et al.  Disruption of imprinting caused by deletion of the H19 gene region in mice , 1995, Nature.

[54]  A. Feinberg,et al.  Loss of imprinting in hepatoblastoma. , 1995, Cancer research.

[55]  D. Lichter,et al.  Clinical evidence of genomic imprinting in Tourette's syndrome , 1995, Neurology.

[56]  W. Johnson,et al.  Parents do matter: genomic imprinting and parental sex effects in neurological disorders , 1995, Journal of the Neurological Sciences.

[57]  R. Ohlsson,et al.  H19 is imprinted in the choroid plexus and leptomeninges of the mouse foetus , 1995, Mechanisms of Development.

[58]  M. Bartolomei,et al.  A paternal–specific methylation imprint marks the alleles of the mouse H19 gene , 1995, Nature Genetics.

[59]  F. Speleman,et al.  Evidence for two tumour suppressor loci on chromosomal bands 1p35-36 involved in neuroblastoma: one probably imprinted, another associated with N-myc amplification. , 1995, Human molecular genetics.

[60]  J. Guénet,et al.  Tissue- and developmental stage-specific imprinting of the mouse proinsulin gene, Ins2. , 1995, Developmental biology.

[61]  R. Ueda,et al.  Frequent loss of imprinting of the H19 gene is often associated with its overexpression in human lung cancers. , 1995, Oncogene.

[62]  S. Elledge,et al.  p57KIP2, a structurally distinct member of the p21CIP1 Cdk inhibitor family, is a candidate tumor suppressor gene. , 1995, Genes & development.

[63]  A. Reeve,et al.  Epigenetic changes encompassing the IGF2/H19 locus associated with relaxation of IGF2 imprinting and silencing of H19 in Wilms tumor. , 1995, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

[64]  R. Ohlsson,et al.  Paternally derived H19 is differentially expressed in malignant and nonmalignant trophoblast. , 1995, Cancer research.

[65]  M. Monk,et al.  Methylation of the mouse Xist gene in sperm and eggs correlates with imprinted Xist expression and paternal X–inactivation , 1995, Nature Genetics.

[66]  M. Surani,et al.  Coordinate regulation of Igf-2 and H19 in cultured cells. , 1995, Cell growth & differentiation : the molecular biology journal of the American Association for Cancer Research.

[67]  M. Koyama,et al.  Loss of imprinting in choriocarcinoma , 1995, Nature Genetics.

[68]  T. Ekström,et al.  Promoter-specific IGF2 imprinting status and its plasticity during human liver development. , 1995, Development.

[69]  J. D. Baum,et al.  An imprinted gene(s) for diabetes? , 1995, Nature Genetics.

[70]  N. Skakkebaek,et al.  Expression of immunohistochemical markers for testicular carcinoma in situ by normal human fetal germ cells. , 1995, Laboratory investigation; a journal of technical methods and pathology.

[71]  A. Hochberg,et al.  The imprinted H19 gene as a tumor marker in bladder carcinoma. , 1995, Urology.

[72]  J. Thomas,et al.  Genomic imprinting proposed as a surveillance mechanism for chromosome loss. , 1995, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

[73]  J. Coll,et al.  The H19 gene is expressed within both epithelial and stromal components of human invasive adenocarcinomas , 1995, Biology of the cell.

[74]  D. Barlow,et al.  Impressions of imprints. , 1994, Trends in genetics : TIG.

[75]  R. Pedersen,et al.  Parental imprinting of the Mas protooncogene in mouse , 1994, Nature Genetics.

[76]  M. Crespi,et al.  enod40, a gene expressed during nodule organogenesis, codes for a non‐translatable RNA involved in plant growth. , 1994, The EMBO journal.

[77]  A. Hochberg,et al.  ABL and BCR genes are not imprinted in androgenetic and gynogenetic human tissues. , 1994, Biochemical and biophysical research communications.

[78]  W. Reik,et al.  Developmental control of allelic methylation in the imprinted mouse Igf2 and H19 genes. , 1994, Development.

[79]  U. Francke,et al.  Identification of a novel paternally expressed gene in the Prader-Willi syndrome region. , 1994, Human molecular genetics.

[80]  G. Eisenbarth,et al.  The paternally inherited insulin gene B allele (1,428 FokI site) confers protection from insulin-dependent diabetes in families. , 1994, Journal of autoimmunity.

[81]  M. Cosma,et al.  Parental imprinting of rat insulin-like growth factor II gene promoters is coordinately regulated. , 1994, The Journal of biological chemistry.

[82]  A. Joyner,et al.  Essential role of Mash-2 in extraembryonic development , 1994, Nature.

[83]  D. Ledbetter,et al.  Deletions of a differentially methylated CpG island at the SNRPN gene define a putative imprinting control region , 1994, Nature Genetics.

[84]  R Yanagimachi,et al.  Birth of normal young after electrofusion of mouse oocytes with round spermatids. , 1994, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

[85]  W. Reik,et al.  Allelic methylation of H19 and IGF2 in the Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome. , 1994, Human molecular genetics.

[86]  E. Mariman,et al.  Biallelic expression of the H19 and IGF2 genes in human testicular germ cell tumors. , 1994, Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

[87]  A. Feinberg,et al.  Genomic imprinting, DNA methylation, and cancer. , 1994, Journal of the National Cancer Institute. Monographs.

[88]  W. Gerald,et al.  Epigenetic lesions at the H19 locus in Wilms' tumour patients , 1994, Nature Genetics.

[89]  A. Feinberg,et al.  Loss of imprinting of IGF2 is linked to reduced expression and abnormal methylation of H19 in Wilms' tumour , 1994, Nature Genetics.

[90]  A. Hochberg,et al.  Expression of the imprinted gene H19 in the human fetus , 1994, Molecular reproduction and development.

[91]  S. Rastan,et al.  Imprinting and X chromosome counting mechanisms determine Xist expression in early mouse development , 1994, Cell.

[92]  M. Surani,et al.  Genomic imprinting: control of gene expression by epigenetic inheritance. , 1994, Current opinion in cell biology.

[93]  M. Surani,et al.  A functional analysis of imprinting in parthenogenetic embryonic stem cells. , 1994, Development.

[94]  J. Mann,et al.  Expression and methylation of imprinted genes during in vitro differentiation of mouse parthenogenetic and androgenetic embryonic stem cell lines. , 1994, Development.

[95]  D. Barlow Imprinting: a gamete's point of view. , 1994, Trends in genetics : TIG.

[96]  C. Zheng,et al.  Allelic instability in mitosis can explain "genome imprinting" and other genetic phenomena in psoriasis. , 1994, American journal of medical genetics.

[97]  O. Suchowersky,et al.  Investigation of the potential role of genetic imprinting in Gilles de la Tourette syndrome. , 1994, American journal of medical genetics.

[98]  D. Haig Is human insulin imprinted? , 1994, Nature Genetics.

[99]  A. Hochberg,et al.  Relaxation of imprinting in trophoblastic disease. , 1994, Gynecologic oncology.

[100]  A. Hochberg,et al.  Parallel regulation of parentally imprinted H19 and insulin-like growth factor-II genes in cultured human fetal adrenal cells. , 1994, Endocrinology.

[101]  R. Nicholls,et al.  New insights reveal complex mechanisms involved in genomic imprinting. , 1994, American journal of human genetics.

[102]  A. Efstratiadis,et al.  Parental imprinting of autosomal mammalian genes. , 1994, Current opinion in genetics & development.

[103]  M. Surani,et al.  The non-viability of uniparental mouse conceptuses correlates with the loss of the products of imprinted genes , 1994, Mechanisms of Development.

[104]  N. Wake,et al.  Genetic origin of malignant trophoblastic neoplasms. , 1994, Cancer genetics and cytogenetics.

[105]  H. Cedar,et al.  Role of DNA methylation in the regulation of transcription. , 1994, Current opinion in genetics & development.

[106]  N. Niikawa,et al.  Mosaic and polymorphic imprinting of the WT1 gene in humans , 1994, Nature Genetics.

[107]  L. Looijenga,et al.  Testicular germ cell tumors of adults show deletions of chromosomal bands 11 p13 and 11p15.5, but no abnormalities within the zinc‐finger regions and exons 2 and 6 of the wilms' Tumor 1 Gene , 1994, Genes, chromosomes & cancer.

[108]  B. Tycko Genomic imprinting: mechanism and role in human pathology. , 1994, The American journal of pathology.

[109]  J. Flood,et al.  Allele specific inactivation of insulin 1 and 2, in the mouse yolk sac, indicates imprinting , 1994, Nature Genetics.

[110]  T. Ekström,et al.  Overlapping patterns of IGF2 and H19 expression during human development: biallelic IGF2 expression correlates with a lack of H19 expression. , 1994, Development.

[111]  S. Leff,et al.  Maternal imprinting of human SNRPN, a gene deleted in Prader–Willi syndrome , 1994, Nature Genetics.

[112]  D. Ledbetter,et al.  Imprinting analysis of three genes in the Prader-Willi/Angelman region: SNRPN, E6-associated protein, and PAR-2 (D15S225E). , 1994, Human molecular genetics.

[113]  C. Polychronakos,et al.  Functional polymorphism in the parental imprinting of the human IGF2R gene. , 1993, Biochemical and biophysical research communications.

[114]  T. Mukai,et al.  A new imprinted gene cloned by a methylation-sensitive genome scanning method. , 1993, Nucleic acids research.

[115]  D. J. Driscoll,et al.  Functional imprinting and epigenetic modification of the human SNRPN gene. , 1993, Human molecular genetics.

[116]  A. Hochberg,et al.  Genomic imprinting and b‐chorionic gonadotropin , 1993, Prenatal diagnosis.

[117]  Rudolf Jaenisch,et al.  Role for DNA methylation in genomic imprinting , 1993, Nature.

[118]  M. Surani Silence of the genes , 1993, Nature.

[119]  A. Hochberg,et al.  Gene imprinting during placental and embryonic development , 1993, Molecular reproduction and development.

[120]  C. Stewart,et al.  Oppositely imprinted genes H19 and insulin-like growth factor 2 are coexpressed in human androgenetic trophoblast. , 1993, American journal of human genetics.

[121]  Benjamin Tycko,et al.  Tumour-suppressor activity of H19 RNA , 1993, Nature.

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[123]  A. Korczyn,et al.  Genomic imprinting and anticipation in idiopathic torsion dystonia , 1993, Neurology.

[124]  S. Varmuza Gametic imprinting as a speciation mechanism in mammals. , 1993, Journal of theoretical biology.

[125]  D. Kaiser,et al.  Epigenetic mechanisms underlying the imprinting of the mouse H19 gene. , 1993, Genes & development.

[126]  A. Razin,et al.  The ontogeny of allele‐specific methylation associated with imprinted genes in the mouse. , 1993, The EMBO journal.

[127]  A. Dobrovic,et al.  Imprinting and loss of ABO antigens in leukemia. , 1993, Blood.

[128]  M. Surani,et al.  Activation of an imprinted Igf 2 gene in mouse somatic cell cultures , 1993, Molecular and cellular biology.

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[130]  B. Tycko,et al.  Imprinting of human H19: allele-specific CpG methylation, loss of the active allele in Wilms tumor, and potential for somatic allele switching. , 1993, American journal of human genetics.

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