The role of non-critical health-care tools in the transmission of nosocomial infections.

The authors performed the cultivation of swabs taken from membranes of 110 stethoscopes of physicians, medical students and shared stethoscopes from ward consultant rooms. In addition to that, 24 random samples from other non-invasive health-care tools and the hospital environment were taken. In order to find out about the disinfection habits and knowledge of medical students, 97 of them were addressed in an anonymous questionnaire. Out of 110 stethoscopes, microbial colonisation was not present only in nine cases (8 %). Staphylococcus sp. was present on 94 stethoscopes (85 %), out of which 19 (20 %) were methicillin-resistant staphylococci of various species. S. aureus was found in 16 cases (14 %), out of which MRSA made 12 % (two cases). Cultivation of 24 additional samples discovered methicillin-resistant staphylococci in four cases--two of them were MRSA present on the esmarch and a blood-presure cuff. The questionnaire revealed that only six (6 %) addressed medical students have ever disinfected their stethoscopes in the past. Disinfection of non-critical tools should become an integral part of under-graduate and postgraduate education (Tab. 1, Fig. 2, Ref. 7).